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Order Summary
Item Price
$49 every month
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Bi-Monthly LIVE EVENTS, including live Q&As, health strategy sessions, hot seat coaching, open office hours, quarterly masterclasses encouraging you to take the next step
  • THE PIVOT PROJECT a self-paced, 6 module course complete with over 30 classes on mastering your mindset, pivoting your health future, creating a health care team and your next best steps to taking your health into your own hands
  • MEMBERS ONLY COMMUNITY a private community serving as your soft landing place to set goals, get feedback, ask questions, celebrate wins big or small, AND connect with a group of women just like you - who GET IT
  • SHIFT SECRET RELEASES first dibs on our programs BEFORE they launch to the public, private coaching options and the chance to get in on testing specials just for you
  • MEMBER PORTAL featuring bite-sized tutorials and how-tos on tracking your health data, the cause and effect of your chronic symptoms, the wellness non-negotiables and a roadmap to becoming your best health advocate 
  • 20% Off Supplements we know supplements are needed but also can be expensive. Take 20% off all of your supplement needs!
  • BONUS! 10% Off 3 and 6 Month 1:1 Offerings... When you are ready for your next steps and advanced testing - we have you covered!
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